
Site Optimization

It is amazing what you learn the first time a site slows to a crawl. Luckily for us, it happened for the first time a long time ago and we have built up a checklist and workflow for speeding up and optimizing sites for performance. From content and code caching to setting up a CDN for optimized content delivery, we have you covered. Some of our techniques will be in the case studies on the site and some in blog posts, but the best way to do it is to customize it for every client’s needs. If your site is slower than it should be or you just want to be ahead of things and prepared, we are ready to get you all set up for optimal website speed and performance.

We utilize a variety of tools to scan sites for poor practices, heavy files, un-optimized images and un-optimized code. We want to be sure your site is as fast as possible, which will include making sure your CSS and JS files are minified and being loaded in the appropriate ways, that your site is being cached properly and in most cases, make sure you are properly set up with a CDN to best serve your site’s files and content to your users.

Optimization is more of a never-ending process that any site owner should be in touch with, but we are happy to audit, analyze, optimize and maintain your site’s health for you. We are also able to set it up once and leave you with the keys to keep it running!